Nikki Paige 6 days ago4 min readHow to make journaling a powerful tool for your self expressionTry some Journaling for February Self Care
Nikki Paige Oct 27, 20242 min readCoping with election stressHow to manage upcoming election stress inspired by the Sutras… Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras offer insights into managing stress, especially...
Nikki Paige Aug 5, 20242 min readSutra 1.33 The Four Locks and KeysIn this sutra, Patanjali introduces four locks and four keys that affect our mental state. Each lock symbolizes a behavior that can stir...
Nikki Paige Jul 21, 20242 min read5 Kosha'sUnderstanding the Five Koshas: Layers of Our Being The five koshas represent the layers that form our entire being. "Kosha" means...
Nikki Paige May 28, 20243 min readHo’oponopono MantraBy employing the Ho'oponopono mantra for yourself or in relationships, you take responsibility for any negative energies or actions you...
Nikki Paige May 24, 20241 min readWhat is Sutra 1.2?✨ Sutra 1.2: “Yogas citta vritti nirodhah” translates to “Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.” ✨ . This profound sutra...
Nikki Paige May 19, 20241 min readWhat is a labyrinth for meditation?A meditation labyrinth is a peaceful maze where you walk slowly, following a winding path to its center and then back out again. It's a...